The final hours of the 87th Texas Legislature brought big news for property taxes.
Texas voters will have a constitutional amendment on the May 7, 2022 ballot to increase the homestead exemption for school districts from $25,000 to $40,000 starting in the 2022 tax year. If it passes, the state will make up the difference in revenue for school districts.
Homestead exemptions are covered in the Texas Constitution and changing them requires approval from Texas voters. Texas REALTORS® will share more information as the election nears.
School property tax proposal would save tax payer about $200 in school tax. Harris county school tax rate .013 x1 5k =$195
Whoopie! A whole $200.00 savings. Homeowners pay to support almost the entire state government. Some pay zero taxes except sales tax and maybe income tax. I pay all 3 and it’s not been nice. It’s about time for Texas to find a more fair way to raise revenue instead of the ridiculous burden put on texas homeowners. I’m selling my Home as we speak because of high property taxes and crazy flood insurance rates. People need to make their voices heard to state government and not just sit quietly by and take this. Complain to your local state representative like… Read more »
Agree. I’ve been thinking of selling as well.
Considering the skyrocketing price increase in homes the last 2 years, even a 20% reduction in tax base will not affect the school district income – thus I believe the discount should 30 to 40%.
We need no more taxes for schools. Cut back 20% on the excess coaches and other administrative freeloaders. Then, don’t make up revenue…public schools squander too much money as it is.
You hit the mail on the head!
Exactly! I see wastefulness in schools all the time. Pushing money at schools has been proven to NOT improve education.
It’s funny that freeloaders always claim it is others whom are free loading. Freeloaders are those who don’t want to pay their taxes. Learn to budget/save/invest and quit crying about taxes. This isn’t college, high school coaches aren’t banking. Furthermore, why do blue collar people always seem to complain about what professionals make? People like you ask for handouts and then complain when inflation happens.
Obviously no one in your family is a starving teacher!
Agreed- the only way to get school funding under control is for tax-paying citizens to attend their local school board meetings. If we were involved in these meetings there would be a lot of topics eliminated, I suspect.
Why not city and county homestead tax break discounts as well?
Eliminate property taxes all together why can’t we ever own our property free and clear instead of the government requiring we pay taxes Till the day we sell or die? Why can’t there be a one time tax of maybe 8-10% and once we’re done we’re done!make it up somewhere else! Where is the lottery money? You raise the homestead exemption then the 4-10 other taxes (city,county,schools etc.go up to compensate ! zero some game
We are never owners. They already get too much sacrifice from us so they don’t care how they spent it.
We need real changes.
Homestead residence’s should be tax exempt. Make up the difference with a small local sales tax increase and increase tax rates on commercial properties.
No one should ever be taxed out of their home for not being able to pay property taxes. I own my home outright but due to the pandemic I have not been able to pay my taxes. I am currently in danger of losing my home because I’m poor. Do something about this.
Completely agree Property taxes are ridiculously high should be done away with completely and we should be able to also homestead a lake house The texas lottery if not using it so much in sluf funds it was established for education school funds. most counties raise taxes constantly Upshur County is the worst on lake property that land isn’t even owned it is lease held ridiculous to tax the land when lake lots are city owned only improvement on land is owned. Any property owners should be able to be homestead if you. own two properties that is not being… Read more »
If you are 65 or over, you can defer your homestead property taxes. Just defer until you die.
that is the same dumb thing as a reverse mortgage. You don’t eliminate the tax burden, you just delay the payment ….with interest accruing. My experience as a Realtor was seeing the effects. It is an evil thing to do to a little old lady who was 85 when she sold her home and she walked away with almost nothing due to the taxes and interest that she owed from deferring the property tax bills.
Yes, but you only pass the tax burden to you family. If not paid by family then you lose the property to the gov’t.No good!
All the property taxes are skyrocketing . It is criminal almost we have familes in our area losing homes due to the school increase . all our children are graduated but we still have to pay. the counties just go nuts with appraisals
I always though the taxes on a home should not go up until it sells again.
I agree, why should anyone over 65 pay school taxes? Most seniors are on a fixed income and don’t have school age children! They need a break
The problem with voting is when the amount of freeloading voters exceeds hardworking voters in society. You should have to have a job and pass an intelligence test to vote. Also, the voting process should require better explanations of the proposed amendments, and if your voting for a person then that person should be held liable for promises made. This amendment is poorly explained in my opinion. How will the state make up the difference in revenue for school districts? This seems to benefit people living outside of the city limits if my assumptions are correct…everyone else will pay for… Read more »
A welcome news!
The biggest problem is that people do not get involved. Hence, we have County officials and the like who do what they deem best, and of course it is not always in our best interest.
Seems as though the “article” should state how the state plans to make up the difference. Where will that money come from?
Eliminate school tax in homeowner’s property tax. No exemptions for religious oranizations owning residential property. Wage earners between 21 and 65 pay some amount of school tax AND/OR increase the state and local sales tax. After age 65, school tax should be zero.
This needs to pass !! Paying way too much to the school districts especially if you’re not ever having children!! It’s a shame a person can work all hard all his life and never own his home and possibly lose it due to taxes! Might as well live in a communist country
There is power in numbers.
More homestead owners need to attend these meetings all the time and voice their opinion. Not just one or two home owners but more than 60 attend at each meeting. Then, stand up and voice these feelings at the meeting. Get over 60 people to call these people on these boards on the telephone and voice these feelings every week. Emailing is another option. Let them know you are paying attention to what they are doing. Worry them. You are the ones having to pay. Then, pray.
This is only a 1 year exemption. In 2023 it will go back to the 25,000. They fail to mention that, seeing how this is an election year.
If you don’t have kids you shouldn’t pay school taxes
I find it interesting that Texas REALTORS endorses Proposition 2 and not Proposition 1 which will reduce taxes for homeowners too if over 65 or disabled. I believe they deserve to pay the same reduced rate as everyone else but it=seems that our board doesn’t. Therefore, I will be voting FOR Proposition 1 AND Proposition 2 and hope everyone else does as well.