The NAR Professional Standards Committee approved a package of recommendations concerning the applicability of the Code of Ethics to discriminatory speech and conduct. The six recommendations will be presented to the NAR Board of Directors for a vote at its November 13 meeting.
The recommendations can be grouped into three broad categories:
- Changes to the Code of Ethics’s applicability to a REALTOR®’s activities
- A new standard of practice under Article 10 that prohibits discriminatory speech and conduct
- Revisions to the definition of public trust.
See the recommendations and answers to frequently asked questions about them at The page also has an email address where you can submit feedback.
We need to be very careful here. While some clearly overt racist comments may be agreed on, many things may be considered racist by some are not by another. I think considering punishing speech & expression, rather than behavior(discrimination in housing) is a very dangerous policy. I assure you that if a Realtor is found to be expressing themselves in terms that are generally accepted as racist, their business will suffer. It’s also likely they will be easily shown to be violating fair housing rules as well. For those reasons, I suggest this is not necessary, & a bad idea.
I agree with Charlie. And it would be unconstitutional. Hate speech is like beuty, its in the eye of the beholder. Law suit after law suit after law suit. And remember you can’t discriminate or retaliate.
I agree
Totally Agree
100%. It’s bad enough they just changed Master bedroom to Primary bedroom in our MLS. Not one person I’ve ever talked to of any color thought that was racist to call it a Master bedroom. The PC generation has gone way overboard to the point of complete ridiculousness.
I am opposed to these changes to the Code of Ethics. I have been selling real estate for over 30 years. Our association is becoming too far reaching and too restrictive on many things. There is this thing called the US Constitution and it gives all of us the right to free speech. I am not in favor of anyone being racist or making disparaging remarks. Who gets to be the judge on this? So, if a competitor decides they do not like your social media post, they can turn you in? We should stick to real estate related things.… Read more »
You are so right, I didn’t even think of that. What a way to get back at someone! OMG. May turn out fine but would be a major pain.
The provided link cites a 2019 Newsday investigation of discrimination in real estate in Long Island, New York
I would like to think that any REALTORS knows how to behave and the root of The Code of Ethics…The Golden Rule.
I don’t need some organization nor do I want some organization watching my every move, thought, post, etc.
Much of what they are proposing is subjective.
Best NAR stick to real estate.
I don’t think any of us live in glass houses.
I will be urging the Texas Directors to vote against this and hope you all will do the same.
I agree. The provided link says that NAR received an unprecedented number of complaints about REALTORS. Legitimate or orchestrated? Doesn’t say but they had a panel discussion and decided something must be done. Apparently Newsday investigated in 2019 discrimination in real estate in Long Island, New York and concluded that we might not have seen it but we as a group are guilty. I believe that Texas Realtors are completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality and that’s been the case going back decades. The American culture will reject racially offensive posts.
Exactly. This topic and agreement by the board will be a slippery slope to more restrictions, rules or rule changes and all subject to appease the PC culture. The next topic up for ridiculous discussion would be description colors i.e. American white, native red and ebony black. This whole phase needs to stop. Most of us are adults and have the common sense of how to speak to other people in a civil manner. One person’s word may be another’s trigger word.
I understand what’s trying to be accomplished here but I don’t think NAR should be appointed the social media police especially without specifics. This is too broad of a Standard to really understand what’s acceptable and what’s not. Our society clearly does not agree….one person believes something is acceptable and another finds it racial. There’s too fine a line to add more to the Ethics Rule.
I look forward to seeing this challenged in the court system. NAR is attempting to deny members first amendment rights even when they are not acting as a REALTOR. I’m confident this will not fly and I will gladly contribute to any class action suit to stop this absurdity.
Please leave our Code of Ethics alone. Yes, I’m aware that it has been modified from time to time over the years, but please do not respond to this passing issue. Our Code has seen us through these many years; our members by and large guiltless of any ‘issues’ of today as no other trade organization can boast. I know you mean well, but….attention/modification to our basics….isn’t needed nor necessary. Code item Number One holds all of todays’ ‘issues’ in check.
Everyone here…let our NAR Directors know your feelings.
Just as so many things in real estate, one size does not fit all.
Punish those who do it. What next a brain sensor with our REALTOR Oath?