Infinite Work: Texas REALTORS®
Recently, Texas REALTORS® leaders began the transition process to the 2022 Leadership Team. The same scenario takes place at your local REALTOR® association as well as at our National Association of REALTORS® as we anticipate the leadership of Texas’s own Leslie Rouda Smith as 2022 NAR president. This natural, evolutionary process is a thought-provoking one. Are we at the end? Or are we at the beginning?
In his book The Infinite Game, Simon Sinek says that true leadership doesn’t have a start and a finish, a beginning and an end. And that the best leaders understand that they play a short-term role in a long-term journey.
The true value of an organization is measured by the desire others have to contribute to that organization’s ability to keep succeeding, not just during the time they are there, but well beyond their own tenure.
– Simon Sinek
Sinek’s first two points ring true for Texas REALTORS®:
- Serve a significant purpose
- Protect people.
As times change, the organization transforms, and leadership cycles forward, it is refreshing and assuring to know that regardless of the names and faces on the Leadership Team, Texas REALTORS® will always be about the business of advancing REALTORS® and the communities we serve through advocacy, professionalism, and resources.
Stay tuned. There are great things for all of us as the torch is passed to those who will carry it forward.