A logo is only one part of branding your business. Here are 5 steps to create a successful brand for your brokerage.
1. Define Your Purpose
Every successful brand has a purpose behind it.
- Why does your brokerage exist?
- What problem do you solve for your clients?
- What value do you present to real estate consumers?
The answers to these questions form the foundation of your brand. Whether you love helping first-time homebuyers using FHA financing or finding retail space for local small businesses, define what your brokerage’s purpose is.
2. Look at the Competition
List the other brokerages in your area who are serving the same or a similar purpose and note their voice, services, messaging, logo—everything that creates their brand. Your goal is to differentiate your brokerage from the competition, not to copy others.
3. Know Your Ideal Client
Take the purpose you’ve defined and use it to describe the perfect client match for your services—and be specific. This type of client is who you’re trying to reach, and you’ll fit your mission and message to meet their needs.
Too Broad:
- Luxury homesellers
- first-time homebuyers
- renters in my city.
More Focused:
- sellers of $500K+ listings in five ZIP codes
- first-time homebuyers in the military
- students and young professionals looking for modern apartments
4. Determine Your Voice
Think of your brokerage like a person. What will that person’s communication style be? Let your intended audience inform this decision. You want to select a voice that will resonate with your ideal client. Will that client respond best to a professional tone? A playful voice?
5. Create the Visual Element
Finally, it’s time for the visuals. You can select a color palette that matches your identity and fonts that convey your personality. These elements will also go into the logo, which will appear on your website, emails, social media channels, business cards, and everything else.
Consider using a graphic designer. Even if it’s an online freelancer, a professional can turn the other elements of your brand into something visual faster than someone without design experience.
Remember, a logo is only one part of branding your business. Put in the work to define your purpose, ideal client, and voice to arrive at a successful brokerage brand.