Most people have their phones with them morning to night, so what better way to get in front of prospects than texting, right? If you currently use text messages to market or are thinking of jumping in, consider the following do’s and don’ts:
Do Get Permission
No one likes unsolicited marketing messages. Sending text messages without permission is not only annoying, it’s illegal. Consent must be in writing. You can log that permission through a webform, email, or a text message itself.
Do Give a Way to Unsubscribe
Let people know up front how to get off your list if they decide they no longer want to hear from you.
Do Let People Know What They Will Get
Tell prospects and clients what kind of information and frequency to expect from your texts.
Do Have a Reason to Text
Why are you interrupting someone’s day? Merely reminding people that you can help them with their real estate goals isn’t enough. Provide recipients with information they will find valuable—like the latest median sold price in their neighborhood—or an action they can take, such as scheduling showings of new listings.
Don’t Go On and On
Text messages work best as brief communications. If you want to send a newsletter, use email or print instead.
Don’t Ignore Responses
If someone replies to your message, are you ready to answer? The quicker you respond, the more value you provide and the more likely the exchange will benefit you as well.